Big Banks Support Biden Amnesty Plan

Joe Biden at desk, looking over documents
by Eric Lendrum


The CEOs of six of the nation’s largest banks all voiced their support for Joe Biden’s plans to give blanket amnesty to as many as 22 million illegal aliens, Breitbart reports.

The chiefs of Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo all said as such during a Senate Banking Committee hearing. When asked about such an amnesty plan, the CEOs agreed that mass amnesty “would ultimately help us build a more robust, stronger economy,” even though there is no evidence to support such a claim.

It was Senator Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) who asked the question of the CEOs, and subsequently bragged about their answers on social media after the hearing. Referring to it as “good news for my colleagues who won’t take any action unless their friends on Wall Street give them the OK.”

The amnesty plan, introduced in the Senate by Menendez, would give amnesty to at least 12 million illegals by the year 2031. The plan could ultimately see as many as 37.3 million illegals imported into the U.S. as a result, which would ultimately replace millions of actual Americans with cheap foreign labor, while also driving wages down and reducing the cost of labor.

Multiple large financial groups and organizations support such a proposal, as it would be highly beneficial for the wealthy, despite an overwhelmingly negative impact on the rest of the population. Amnesty is also supported by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity, and the Business Roundtable, amongst others. In addition to Wall Street, another industry that has heavily supported amnesty and the importing of foreign workers is Big Tech, which often employs illegals and non-American citizens.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.





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4 Thoughts to “Big Banks Support Biden Amnesty Plan”

  1. Steve Allen

    What do the CEOs of these bank care? They all have to be at least millionaires, and without a doubt are so insulated from the rest of America that no matter what happens they and their families will be set for the rest of their lives.

  2. 83ragtop50

    Bank of amigo was the leader in granting mortgages to illegals.

    I must agree with Ms Independent that Bank of amigo is the absolute worst bank I have ever had the unfortunate requirement to deal with because of a family death. My wife and I were treated like dirt. I would bury my money in the back yard before I would deal with them.

  3. Tim Price

    Proof that Democrats are the party of big money now.

  4. Ms Independent

    I have no doubt bank of amigo supports this! Bank of amigo=worst bank ever!
